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The Ashenda Grit:  Transforming leaders’ attitudes towards GBV survivors
July 15, 2024

The Ashenda Grit: Transforming leaders’ attitudes towards GBV survivors pre-inception consultative meeting with religious leaders 3 July, 2024


The Ashenda Grit: Transformingleaders’ attitudes towards GBV survivors inception with religious leaders representing different religious institutions and one stop center expertise in Mekelle City on 5 July, 2024

Ethiopia Support Program (ESP) Tigrai Region office head Mr. Abebe Gebre (USAID) and Mums for Mums executive director Mr. Ashenafi Asmelash welcomed the respected participants and appreciated their commitment to attend the meeting. They acknowledged USAID's meaningful support.

High level religious leaders representing different religious institutions and one stop center expertise from Mekelle, Axum and Maichew

During the meeting, participants engaged in thoughtful discussions on the root causes for social, religious and economic discrimination and marginalization of war time GBV survivors, and the role of spiritual leaders in promoting healing and re-integration. The inception emphasized the need for collaborative efforts among religious institutions, governmental agencies, and civil society organizations to create safe spaces and holistic support systems for the healing and integration of GBV survivors in Tigrai. There was a consensus on the importance of community awareness, education, and advocacy in combating discrimination and marginalization of war time GBV survivors and providing comprehensive support to survivors.

The important points reflections and recommendations from the respected religious leaders:

Ø  "Mothers are the foundation of our community. Just as a tree's existence depends on its roots, the people of Tigrai depend on our beloved mothers. As religious leaders, we must dedicate our time and collective efforts to mobilizing our followers to fight against the social, religious, and economic discrimination and marginalization faced by GBV survivors."

Ø  "Just as the Almighty God sacrificed himself to save the world, the GBV survivors of the Tigrai war endured immense suffering to save the people of Tigrai from total annihilation. As religious leaders, we have a spiritual responsibility to facilitate the sustainable healing and reintegration of these GBV survivors in Tigrai."

The Ashenda Grit: Transforming leaders’ attitudes towards GBV survivors deliberate workshop with women leaders in Mekelle City on 10 July, 2024. 

Women leaders from different government sectors and associations working on women


The Ashenda Grit: Transforming leaders attitudes towards GBV survivors workshop with medium level religious leaders and women leaders in Mekelle City on 11and 12 July, 2024Advocacy workshop

Religious leaders from seven religious institutions and women leaders from different sectors working on women empowerment.